Monday, February 15, 2010

Is language really important

I have tried my hands on most of the languages to check if one is better than the other. I rather found all of them to be useful in their own way. Its important for the developer to choose the right language/tools to make the application or program better.

For example one could/should use c/c++ for system level stuff, writing device drivers etc . But if a developer wants to write a web application with C/C++ then that is going to be a nightmare.

Languages like PERL/ruby/python have uses mostly in the *NIX (Linux/Unix) world where the developer or the system admin uses them to do stuff that could save a lot of human labor.

PHP has been in news for a while now.. and it seems to be a nice language  for which it was initially developed .. Its a good language for small/medium size web apps .. but the number of extensions and modules are lesser as compared to cpan for PERL

My all time favorite has been PERL . which has the ability to do both system  and web programming. and its highly customizable to make it efficient and fast. 

LAMP - Linux apache Mysql and Perl/PHP has been the best combination on the internet and a lot of successful website still serve thousands of pages using them.

so the point is unless you are really writing something that is going to change the world don't really bother too much on things like ruby (vs) perl (vs) php (vs) python.. each can solve you problem in the way you want it to.

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